Our Mastodon server services provide a decentralized social networking experience. Learn how to create an account, customize your profile, troubleshoot common issues, or even migrate your account from another instance.
Getting Started:
1. Account Registration:
• Visit your Mastodon server’s signup page and complete the registration process.
2. Profile Customization:
• Set up your profile, upload an avatar, and adjust your notification settings.
3. Troubleshooting:
• Clear your browser cache, update your browser, or check our server status if you experience issues.
4. Migration:
• Export your data from your previous instance, then import it using our migration tool or guide.
• Why can’t I log in?
Verify your registration details and check for any server maintenance notices.
• How do I migrate my account?
Follow the step-by-step guide provided during the migration process or contact support for assistance.